Apartment Portal Network

This is the network of portals located inside the apartment sectors

#Haven Residential Halls (Rithwic, Lytelthorpe, Shoushi, Al-Arqas Portal Gems)
Kara, Ben Ten Lodge
Lytelthorpe, Cedraic Court
Uziz, Crescent Moon Veranda
Al-Arqas, Dulok Court
Arwic, Ispar Yard
Shoushi, Jojii Gardens
Sawato, Jade Gate
Underground City, Trothyr Hollow
Rithwic, Celcynd Grotto
Tou-Tou, Xao Wu Gardens

#Atrium Residential Halls (Yaraq Portal Gems)
Neydisa Castle, Winthur Gate
Redspire, Vesper Gate
Al-Jalima, Valorya Gate
Yaraq, Hasina Gardens
Qalaba’r, Ivory Gate
Lin, Heartland Yard
Baishi, Gaijin Dwellings
Glenden Wood, Alphus Court

#Oriel Residential Halls (Holtburg, Samsur, Yanshi, Xarabydun Portal Gems)
Yanshi, White Lotus Gate
Danby’s Outpost, Vindalan Dwellings
Holtburg, Trellyn Gardens
Mayoi, Syrah Dwellings
Khayyaban, Sorac Gate
Samsur, Forsythian Gardens
Tufa, Maru Veranda
Xarabydun, Endara Gate
Eastham, Autumn Moon Gardens
Plateau Court, Allain Village

#Sanctum Residential Halls (Nanto Portal Gems)
Nanto, Treyval Veranda
MacNiall’s Freehold, Sylvan Dwellings
Bluespire, Sorveya Court
Dryreach, Sigil Veranda
Kryst, Senmai Court
Hebian-To, Marin Court
Bandit Castle, Illsin Veranda
Zaikhal, Ruadnar Court
Greenspire, Caerna Dwellings
Cragstone, Alvan Court

#Victory Residential Halls (Direlands Towns)
Ayan Baqur, Triumphal Gardens
Candeth Keep, Candeth Court
Fort Tethana, Celdiseth Court
Wai Jhou, Spirit Gate

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